I left a copy of my book, What Men Won’t Talk About…And Women Need to Know, at the cash register in the store while I ran to the back to grab some envelopes I’d forgotten (okay, I didn’t actually ‘run’ but I did hop really fast on my crutches). The clerk was reading the back cover by the time I got back, read the title out loud, and said sadly, “My dad died of prostate cancer 23 years ago. I should get this book.” I agreed with her of course. She was certainly surprised when she realized that the person who had written the book was standing right there in front of her. We both had a chuckle.
The man in line behind me had obviously overheard our conversation. I turned to him and said, “Prostate cancer doesn’t seem to be a topic men like to open up about.”
Without hesitation he said, “That’s for sure! It’s definitely taboo. I would rather ‘Just Say No’ than talk about prostates!” He obviously recognized me from my years as coordinator for the Just Say No Smoking Awareness school program.
Unfortunately, he was right. Too many men wait too long to see their doctor for a simple DRE (Digital Rectal Exam – my husband calls it ‘an 8 second ride’) or an even simpler PSA blood test (Prostate Specific Antigen). In my opinion, it was the PSA test and having a base line established that saved my husband’s life (but the DRE was important too so, follow my motto, when in doubt, DO BOTH – which works especially well when applied to desserts).
You can now order your copy on Amazon.com or Kindle and please post a review – your feedback is always appreciated.
What Men Won’t Talk About